I spent way too long looking for MediaWiki’s version information. Most applications store the version info in a file or in the database. MediaWiki is a HUGE mess of code and database. I finally found it in a file. It’s in includes/DefaultSettings.php and is stored as a variable – wgVersion. This is for post 1.3.7 versions of MediaWiki, perhaps even earlier versions.
I write this here because no amount of searching turned up this information. I found it through a series of lucky greps. So, to help out in Google searches:
where is MediaWiki’s version information stored?
locate MediaWiki’s version info
MediaWiki version file
MediaWiki version info
Thank you! You’re google phrases worked 😉
Oh, and apparently there’s a special page (Special:version) that makes it even easier if the wiki is still running.
Yepp, google worked!
Thanks for the info.
Much easier method is Special:Version page, for instance
Yeah, that’s the easiest way to find it. I needed it to come from a hard file, though, because I wrote a script that finds all of the mediaWiki installs on my server and I wanted to know what version they were running. It’s much easier to parse that out of a file, than it is to make a connection to the database and grab that info from a table.
Thanks for the tip on finding the MediaWiki Version number. I also like your tagline about history happening every yesterday. Thanks again.
Merci beaucoup pour l’info…
Tes phrases clés google ont bien marchés!!!
(thx a lot for the info)
(your key’s sentenses worked very good!!!!!)
u saved me .. thanx alot