Doing my Duty to God

The Church put out an awesome new Duty to God program. I like it because it’s basically a scripture study program that helps the young men become spiritually strong and helps them become like Jesus Christ. What’s really great about the program, is that it entails the same steps that anybody (and everybody) needs to follow to become like Christ. The idea is to learn, then act on what you learn, and then share with others what you have learned and done.

The booklet for the program has the Deacon, Teacher and Priest sections all combined. The boys work on three relationships in each of their quorum sections. First they work on their relationship with God by developing Spiritual Strength through prayer and scripture study, living worthily, and understanding doctrine. Second they work on their relationship with all mankind by learning and practicing their Priesthood Duties by administering priesthood ordinances, serving others, and inviting all to come unto Christ. The third section is a bit different for each quorum. The deacons work on their relationship with themselves, with their bodies, by focusing on physical health. The teachers are similar in that they focus on education. The priests focus on their relationship with family and friends. The priests have an additional section where they prepare themselves to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood.

So, because this is such a great program for anybody to learn their duty to God, and because I need to be an example to the boys as the Young Men’s President, I am doing this program as well. My study plan is to read and study every morning from 6:30 until 7:00. I’ve been doing pretty good at it for a few weeks too. At the end of the week, on Friday’s, I’ll write a blog post as a way for me to share my experiences.

I went over the section where we list some scriptures that are meaningful to us, and describe why they are meaningful. I came up with a few (Alma 7:11-13; 1 Samuel 15:22; D&C 58:26-27; Exodus 20:3-17; 3 Nephi 12; 3 Nephi 13:24; D&C 19:16-19). For Alma 7:11-13, I wrote:

I came to know this one on the mission. I really like how it explains the Atonement. It shows that Jesus suffered every negative thing possible. Coupled with D&C 122:8, we learn that he experienced the lowest any human can, and has even gone below that. And he did all of that so that he will know how to help us out of our hard times.

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2 thoughts on “Doing my Duty to God”

  1. Hey Ammon, I’m a priest in Australia and I am struggling to complete my duty to god book because I don’t know how to fill it out and what activitys to do, if you can give me any pointers or ideas please email me.
    Latrelle Balmes

    1. Your best bet is to ask parents, Young Men’s president, and bishop (or branch president). They are going to be the ones to really help you out.

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