I did some more researching and playing around with the Yahoo and Flash options and I think this will be the better way. As an example of why, look at Justin Everett-Church’s work creating custom ‘themes’ for the maps.
Also in my search I came across some neato projects Trippermap plots your flickr photos on a map that you can host or plug into your own web page.
Plazes.com if for those of you who like to let everyone know where you are at any moment of the day. A bit too much of an information overload for me, but there’s 6 billion people in this world, so there’s bound to be a few thousand that get hooked by this idea.
Of course Flickr’s own map deal would be the ideal set up for this project. I’ll get some of the functionality, but it would be awesome to get something like this going.
I’ll be back with more results…