resurrection – Ammon Shepherd mossiso = more better Mon, 02 Feb 2009 11:39:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 resurrection – Ammon Shepherd 32 32 140707563 Seminary Lessons. John 20-21 Mon, 02 Feb 2009 11:39:30 +0000 Continue reading Seminary Lessons. John 20-21]]> John chapters 20-21

In this lesson, I hoped the students would:

  • gain (or strengthen) a testimony of the resurrected Jesus
  • commit to follow Jesus by “feeding” his “sheep”

Three Levels of Knowledge


John gives examples that show three levels of knowledge about our resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ. These examples show what evidence was given to certain people in order that they might believe and know that Jesus was resurrected.

  1. John 20: 1-10 – Certain apostles are confronted with an empty tomb. This is enough for them to realize and believe that Jesus is resurrected.
  2. John 20: 11-18 – Jesus shows himself to Mary. She believes and knows Jesus is resurrected.
  3. John 20: 19-29 – Jesus shows himself to the apostles and to Thomas. They touch him and feel that he is resurrected.

These examples show three different levels of knowledge and faith about the resurrection of Jesus. The first level need only a small sign, and quick prick of rememberance to believe. The second level need to see to believe. The third level need to feel and see.

John 20: 29 – Why is it better to believe without seeing or feeling? How will we approach trials and hard choices when we have a believing-while-not-seeing attidute?

Enthusiasm to Follow

John 21: 1-7 – Peter shows his great enthusiasm to follow the Savior by jumping from the boat and swimming ashore in order to reach Jesus more quickly. We should also cultivate such a desire to serve Jesus.

John 21: 3, 6 teach us that when we listen to and follow Jesus’ counsel we will be significantly more blessed than when we rely on our own strength.

Ewe and her lamb
Ewe and her lamb

John 21: 15-17 – What does Jesus mean by asking Peter to feed his sheep?

Why ask three times? Jesus refers to his children, his youth, and his adults.

What are some ways that we can feed his sheep?

Seminary Lessons: John chapter 11 Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:03:38 +0000 Continue reading Seminary Lessons: John chapter 11]]> This was the first lesson I taught while substitute teaching the early morning seminary class for my Ward. It was an amazing experience. I had to wake up at 5 AM to be at the Church building by 6 AM.  I rode my bike the first two days, but with it being dark and the temperature below 10 degrees Farenheit, I quickly changed to driving there, and then riding my bike the same path later for work.

John chapter 11

Lesson: Understanding Jesus as the Savior through His signs and miracles.

Much of John is written around seven miracles and signs. Why? Read John 20: 30-31 for the answer.

Signs as role of Savior

  1. John 2: 1-11 (changing water into wine) This event prefigures Jesus shedding His blood. It is symbolic of the sacrament.
  2. John 4: 46-54 (healing the nobleman’s son) This event shows that Jesus is merciful and compasionate
  3. John 5: 1-9 (healing the lame man) This event shows that Jesus is the source of living water, and he is the source of all life.
  4. John 6: 1-14 (multiplying the bread and fish)  This event shows that Christ is the living bread. He is our spiritual food. He is our creator, he made and sustains us.
  5. John 6: 15-21 (walking on water) This event shows that Jesus has power over nature. He has overcome nature and the natural man. This is important for us to realize and believe, for if he has power over nature and the natural man, then He has power to help us overcome the natural man as well.
  6. John 9: 1-7 (healing the blind man) This event shows us who and how to become followers of Jesus. His sheep know his voice and follow him. Also, he makes up for what we lack.
  7. John 11: 38-44 (raising Lazarus from death) Jesus has power over death. Jesus is resurrected and we will be too.

This lesson focused on Jesus raising Lazarus from death. The following two quotes show the importance of the miracle:

“Why this studied buildup, this centering of attention upon one of the mightiest miracles of his ministry? Two reasons in particular stand out. (1) As our Lord neared the climax of his mortal ministry, he was again bearing testimony, in a way that could not be refuted, of his Messiahship, of his divine Sonship, of the fact that he was in very deed the literal Son of God; and (2) He was setting the stage, so as to dramatize for all time, one of his greatest teachings: That he was the resurrection and the life, that immortality and eternal life came by him, and that those who believed and obeyed his words should never die spiritually” (Elder Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:530-31)

“No question as to the actual death of Lazarus could be raised, for his demise had been witnessed, his body had been prepared and buried in the usual way, and he had lain in the grave four days. At the tomb, when he was called forth, there were many witnesses, some of them prominent Jews, many of whom were unfriendly to Jesus and who would have readily denied the miracle had they been able. God was glorified and the divinity of the Son of Man was vindicated in the result” (Elder James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 496)

What came first, the chicken or the egg?


What comes first, signs or faith? Have a nice discussion about signs and faith, why it is important to have faith, and how signs support and uphold faith, rather than create it.

Discover and discuss the similarities between Lazarus and the last week of Jesus. [Similarities Handout]

Darkness Dispelled is a Call to Action Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:04:43 +0000 Continue reading Darkness Dispelled is a Call to Action]]> I read the First Presidency message, May We So Live,  for this month in preparation for Home Teaching tonight. President Monson talks about death, resurrection, and the fragility of life. All of these things are reminders and should the impetus that moves us to doing good.

First we realize that death is a reality (the one thing everybody, regardless of anything, is assured to pass through). Death happens, it can be tragic, sudden and unexpected. Because it is such, it is often dreaded. Because those who are dead are out of communication with the living, it could be terrifying. Not knowing what will come next, or if anything does.

Second we realize and have hope and faith that the resurrection is a reality. Jesus, the first and only one with power, overcame death. That means he had the knowledge and spiritual and physical power to undo the affects of death. Physical death is a separation of body and spirit. The body we know well, the physical matter from which it is made, the physical properties it contains. The spirit is less known, scientifically unquantifiable. It is the dark matter of our selves. Yet the spirit is real, and connected with our bodies. It is the substance of us. It gives us our character, our wills, it is where our knowledge is stored. Death is the separation of spirit and body. With out the spirit to animate it, the body is useless, a lump of clay. Jesus had the knowledge and power to decide when this separation would happen, and to put them back together. He was the first of the resurrection. We will all be resurrected. This means our spirits and bodies will reunite, but this time they will never again separate. Our bodies will be of finer and greater make this next time. They will never tire, get sick, endure pain, age, and never be separated from our spirit again. I digress….

With that knowledge of the surety of death, the temporariness of life, we should endeavor to fill our life with good works. To do good things for others, to fill our hearts and minds with service. As President Monson says: “Our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable. There are hearts to gladden. There are kind words to say. There are gifts to be given. There are deeds to be done. There are souls to be saved.”

So, what can I do today to help someone else? How can I be of service?
