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Flying a kite

I always felt I was not doing enough as an Elders Quorum President. There were things undone, people I never met, etc. I had an experience that helped me realize that my way of measuring success might not always be the same way God measures success. It happened on March 29, 2008, and I wrote it in my study journal the next day.

“I learned a principle that applies to life, especially my calling as E.Q. Pres, through an experience yesterday. The family and I went kite flying at the National Mall for the Smithsonian’s Annual Kite day. I had helped Jonas and January make a kite from a garbage bag, some small dowels, and duct tape. This was my first home-made kite, and the first time to fly one since I was a kid.

“When we got to the Mall I was determined to get the kite in the air, so I tried first. I tried for half an hour but only got the kite to go 20 feet high or so, each time watching it crash to the ground. For it to “count” for me, it had to be high, 50, 100, 150 feet. At least as high as everybody elses kites seemed to be. It wasn’t working like I wanted it to. After so long of failure, and Jonas’ constant asking and pleading to have a turn at the controlls, I finally relented.

“He got the kite, and after a few tries, it went 10-15 feet in the air. He was exstatic! “Look Mom! I’m flying a kite! Look how high it is!” It was just about low enough that I could jump up and catch it. But for Jonas it had reached as high as the Washington Monument.

“I realized, then, that he had a totally different perspective about flying kites than I had. To him, success was getting the kite into the air above his head for any length of time. I learned that sometimes we set our expectations for ourselves too high. We think success in something means one thing only. Sometimes, though, what the Lord expects is much different. I expect a 100 foot high kite while being EQ Pres in order to be successful. But the Lord may only want me to get the kite above my head for any moment of time. (I surely hope this is how He sees it, for that’s how I felt the whole time.”

The lesson is: Trust in the Lord for the measure of success. Let Him be the to determine the height of success. Let His perspective by my perspective.
